Making Spirits Bright

I’m wrapping up 2019 thinking about light, goodness, and warmth. When it feels like there is not enough goodness to go around, I stop dead-in-my tracks and do a little reflecting. In these moments, I must remind myself of why I do what I do. The job of a teacher is to inspire. Period. In one way or another, we are all working to spread light. To promote goodness. To be warmth in the lives of all kids — some whose circumstances are quite comfortable and others who feel left out in the cold.

It’s the holiday season, and our spirits are bright. But here’s something to ponder — can we keep this feeling with us when the gifts are put away and the tree is tossed out? I think so. What if we commit to carrying a never-ending warmth and loads of positive energy into the new year? In 2020, let’s pledge to brighten the spirits of those kids we show up for day-after-day-after-day-after-day — even when the going gets tough.

Sprint to the finish, friend! In just a moment, it’ll be time to shut your brain off and enjoy a restful break.

I wish you an oh-so-merry holiday,
