Last summer William had a breakdown.
He caught a weird sort of canine virus and got really sick. He wasn’t eating. He laid on the cold tile for hours and hours. He struggled to walk. And, as you can imagine, it gave us a fright.
William’s demeanor didn’t improve after the virus had passed, so the veterinarian recommended a costly procedure to check for cancer. Our hearts dropped.
My husband disregarded the expert’s advice and prescribed a totally non-medical treatment plan — a vacation.
So, against all conventional wisdom, we took William on vacation and spoiled him rotten. He gorged on ice cream cones, dog treats, and cheese burgers. We took him to the beach, got him a tan, and played hours of fetch in Lake Michigan.
I bet you can guess how this story ends. No cancer. No nothing. William’s fine.
It turns out he just needed a vacation.
And, I’m willing to bet you do, too. And, good news! — if you’re not already there yet, a break is coming soon! Here’s a little something to dream about as you sprint to the finish: the first Monday morning of summer break. Gone is the alarm clock, the urgent emails, the frantic rushing out the door. You get to savor an actual breakfast at an actual table with actual conversation at whatever pace you like.
William (and his antics) have once again provided a reminder that is worth holding onto. We all need a break once and awhile. Entire school staffs show up year-after-year because they couldn’t mentally do it without a break. Take summer away and we’d all be curled up on the cold tile floor.
So, cheers to summer, ice cream cones, and whatever body of water you can lose yourself in for awhile. You need a vacation. Enjoy it.