Five days into the school year, and I’m already in need of a reminder to chill out (my husband actually said those exact words to me last night, as in, “Lindsay, you need to chill out”). I wrote a little something related to this topic a month ago (At Least Their Teeth are Brushed), and now I’m saying to myself “at least I know half of their names.” Anyone else feel jolted into reality after a delightful summer filled with light, breezy days?
I think this idea is worth revisiting; give yourself some grace, take it slow, and focus on what matters. For me, that’s being sure to work in the time to build my classroom community.
And on that note, here’s a fun community-building activity I recently learned about:
I’m going to give this save-the-egg-activity a try later this week with my middle schoolers (but with an added literacy twist). To enhance the creative requirements and get my kids thinking about writing and story-telling, they will have to…
write (and share aloud) their egg’s fictional story-of-origin… all before it hits the floor.
Something about an activity like this reminds me that in the beginning of the year, it’s extra important to have some fun, get acquainted with my kiddos and for the sake of every’s sanity, chillllllll out.
Best wishes for a great school year, everyone.