Move it!

Hey, hey — back at it again, are ya?
Not long ago, the calendar turned to August, so I looked at my class lists and laid out some plans. Low and behold, I started to feel (gasp) ready-ish! I mean, I’m not ready, and if you’re already back at it in earnest, I salute you.
This summer I set out to do one simple thing everyday, no excuses: move it. It’s taken me a minute to get my pre-COVID norms and habits back in place. Admittedly, when I was drowning in all that was the last 2.5 years, my self-care habits were the first to go. Things I had locked into place prior to March 2020 — exercise goals, book clubs, church, sleep routines, and so on — suddenly felt like extras that I had to (or could easily) boot from my daily norms.
My counselor said this to me recently, “self care is not a privilege, it’s a necessity.” I know, I know. Self care, psht. At the risk of sounding cliche, I make the case.
My husband is the busiest person in the field of education that I know. He runs an entire school building, serves as a community leader in various roles, pours into his staff like no other, and now has a side gig training teachers and school staff during the summer. Yet, when his friends call to meet him on the river, or he needs to pound out three miles on the treadmill to burn steam, he doesn’t miss a beat. He’s there, he does it, he shows up — for himself and for his people. He is rarely off center, and though he might not call his rhythms self-care, that’s what they are.
When we greet our kiddos for the first time later this month, or next week, we will take one look at their faces and it’s game-on. Every ounce out there; nothing left on the table. But we will, and I mean we will, max ourselves out in short order if we don’t take care. What is it that you need — to move it, like me? A walk, at minimum, everyday? A book to lose yourself in at day’s end? A weekly phone call or Marco Polo exchange with your person? Do it, do it, do it.

Cheering you on, always!
